Pumping can be a huge hassel. Set up time, pumping, take down time, cleaning, washing. Not to mention that even the most portable of breast pumps are still large enough to require their own bags. When I go to work, I’m usually toting at least 4 bags; my purse, my lunch bag, a milk cooler and a pump bag.
I received the following product at no cost to facilitate my review; however all opinions remain my own. For more information, see my full disclosure policy.
The Motif Duo is a double electric breastpump that can be used for single or double pumping. Weighing in at less than a pound (yes, seriously), it’s lightweight size and rechargeable battery make it a great option for pumping on the go. It is a closed system with a 250 mmHg vacuum strength making it comparible to other popular brands on the market.

When I first opened the box, I was shocked at how small it was. Sure, I had seen pictures of it, including other size comparisons, but it didn’t register how small it was until I actually saw it in person. It’s tiny; by far the smallest pump I have ever used. It’s small size means it easily fits into bags or even purses. I’ve toted around quite a few other pumps, and this is the first one which fit into my bag and I didn’t have to bring another bag. Suction power isn’t compromised however; it’s similiar in strength to other pumps I have used.
The flanges are well made and come in 2 parts. This allows you to customize your breast sheild size (24 mm comes standard) and makes cleaning it so much easier. Of course, the best part of this pump in there are no insanely small crevices to clean. With some other pumps I’ve used, milk has collected and stuck in the small creases of the flange making it almost impossible to get a good clean. This pump doesn’t have that problem.

The downside however, is the fit of the two pieces together. I have found I have to push fairly hard to get a snug fit on the pieces. If the pieces aren’t snugly together, you run the possibility of them seperating mid-pump. This happened to me once, luckily right at the beginning of a session, so there was nothing to lose. Taking an extra minute to ensure the pieces are snug together has ensured I’ve never encountered this problem again.
It comes standard with a duckbill valve. These are my favorite type of valve (versus the membrane type) as they are simple to clean (notice a theme?)
The kit comes standard with wide neck bottles. I know a lot people seem to hate wide neck collection bottles, but I don’t mind them. They seemed huge when I first pulled them out, but they both hold 5+ ounces, which is pretty standard. The pump also comes with a bottle top and nipple so you can feed baby out of the same bottle. This is a great option if you’re exclusively pumping as you can go straight from the pump to the breast. The bottles themselves are safe for freezing breastmilk in as long as you leave 1-2 inches of room at the top for expansion. I prefer freezing in bags or mason jar cubes, so I didn’t try this, but it’s an option. If you have enough wide neck collection bottles this is a very convienent option.
Suction wise, it does a good job of emptying my breasts. When I’m working away from my baby I’m typically able to get 2-4 ounces per pumping session, and that’s exactly what I get when I use this pump. It packs a punch for such a small size.
This is also one of the quietest pumps I’ve used. It does tend to get louder when on a stronger pump setting, however it still is pretty quiet. Moms without a pumping space will appreciate not listening to the squeaking or clicking of a breastpump. I’ve also used it at night while pumping next to my babe. What little noise it does make is blocked out by the fans in our room, so I’ve never woken her up while pumping. Mom win!
Over all, the Motif Duo is a great pump. It’s small size, portability and battery will appeal to mamas on the go, while it’s suction strength is excellent and comparable to other, more well known brands. New mamas looking to establish or increase their supply may do better with a hospital rental pump, but established supplies will be pleased with this pump.
For more information on the Motif Duo, or to find out how to get one for yourself visit Motif Medical.