We all know that owning a house isn’t necessarily the best thing for the environment. But unless you want to live in a mud hut, it’s something that most of us grudgingly accept. However, thanks to modern technology and a few lifestyle changes, living greener and saving the planet has never been easier. Check out these ideas for turning your home into a green, eco-friendly paradise.
Ask Your Electric Suppliers For Green Power Options

If you do your research on the internet, you’ll come across something rather interesting: some electricity companies now offer “green” power supply packages. With the rise of utility-scale solar and wind power plants, it’s becoming increasingly popular for suppliers to offer these electricity options to their eco-conscious customers. Check out your local suppliers and see if they have an option to “go green.”
Build An In-Out Herb And Vegetable Garden

Growing your own food all year round can be challenging. As a result, most of us give in and go to the supermarket where food is cheap, abundant and convenient. There’s one thing that the food in the supermarket is not, however, and that’s eco-friendly. There’s an enormous amount of pollution, contaminants, and CO2 embodied in every product that you buy from the store, thanks to the costs of distribution as well as farming.
But you can get around this problem by investing in a lean-to, using a transparent roofing option from a company like Varico LTD, and growing your plants indoors throughout the year. Growing things like vegetables and herbs yourself is not only cheaper than going to the supermarket, it’s also a lot better for the environment.
Reduce Packaging Where You Can
There’s been a story in the news recently about how much waste our internet shopping habits product. Companies are often sending people giant boxes housing products that are actually very small. Reducing packaging should be one of your priorities if you’re interested in maintaining a clean environment. So next time you order online, check to make sure that the company sending you goods has a packaging minimization policy.
Stop Your Newspaper Subscription
Newspapers are one of the largest generators of waste paper in the country. They last a day, and then they get thrown in the trash forever, along with the rest of the junk produced by your home. Switch over to getting your news on the internet, your smartphone or over the radio and save a few trees in the process.
If you can’t kick your newspaper habit, you can always get the most use out of it by using it for some other purpose once you’ve finished reading it, like lining your pet rabbit’s hutch.
Use Water Saving Faucets And Showers

Saving water is becoming critical in some areas where the natural water table level has fallen and drought is a real possibility. That’s why more and more eco-conscious people are investing in water-saving faucets and showers. Water saving faucets combine a stream of water with tiny bubbles, making the water go further. Water shaving showers rely on generating jets of steamy mist, rather than jets of water, but are able to clean just as well.