When you treat yourself or get treated as a mama, you want something that is both indulgent and practical. Sometimes you don’t – since when were Jimmy Choos practical? – but for the most part if something can double up as something else or be as versatile as it is beautiful, then it’s a sure winner.
Here’s a wishlist you may want to leave lying around the house … you know, just incase anyone may happen to pick it up and buy some of the stuff on it…
Sling Your Hook
While the majority of people think that slings are solely for babies, all babywearing mothers know that this is not the case. It is not just benefitting the child (which doesn’t even have to be a baby – you can wear for as long as you both feel comfortable!), but is there to help the mother, too. Moms want something that is comfortable, that helps their posture and won’t overheat you both; something that is both natural and ergonomic. You don’t have to stick with one, dull colour anymore for slings, wraps or carriers – you can choose a variety of different patterns and schemes to suit whatever style you’re into. There’s a lot of decisions that have to be made on what is best for both you and your little one, but the appearance of it can be left solely to you.
Bedknobs and Broomsticks
Less of the broomsticks! A new bed frame can be such an indulgent purchase, but is one that will hopefully last for a while. If you have had the same bed for longer than you can remember and it’s starting to get worn down – wood has splintered, slats have cracked, metal is starting to rust are just a few of the most common problems – it may be time to invest in something a bit more substantial. Beds can last for tens if not hundreds of years if you buy one of good quality and take care of it. Go for something that is hard wood and sturdy enough to take the weight of four or more people. It’s something that has to be considered when you have kids coming to join you in the middle of the night!
Spring into Action
You can’t get a new bed without a new mattress, but you can get a new mattress without having to get a new bed. In fact, every eight years is the recommended minimum, with the phrase “replace every eight” doing the rounds to stick in your head to drive this point home. New mattresses are great for improving posture and any aches that you may be getting, although you may want to read through some reviews at sites like https://www.mattress-guides.net/saatva-mattress-review-complaints/ to get a good understanding of what may be the most suitable for you and your budget. A great night’s sleep is just around the corner…
Cotton On
Along with the talk of new mattresses and beds comes the inevitable bed linen. The power that a change in duvet cover, bedsheet and pillowcases possesses is one to simply be marvelled at; think about how much walking in to a new bed-set can do to improve your mood. It can change the whole style of a room, especially if you only have neutral colours around to begin with. You can chop and change at a moment’s notice, and your personal tastes can exude from something that is relatively cheap to put into place – unless you have expensive taste.
Pottering Around
Pots, pans, kitchen utensils – everything that you can dream of to put into your kitchen definitely needs to go on the wishlist for the budding chef. We don’t tend to think about how much pressure we are putting onto different tools that we are using every time we cook; they are going to need replacing eventually. The more money you put into quality products, the less they will need replacing – just think about how long a cheap knife lasts compared to one that has rave reviews and is retailing at a slightly higher price. There is no contest. If you want something that is good and will last you as long as you want it to, you will need to put in the extra cash and look around for what’s on offer to you; there are so many different chefs who have released their own brand and lines which are perfect with their style of cooking. Find one that you match up to and take it from there.
It’s a piece of cake to bake a pretty cake…
Along with the new utensils must come the cookbooks and cooking lessons. Lessons and sessions to do with creating food are becoming more and more common, with some top-chefs even hosting their own events. Big commercial shows like the Good Food Show in Great Britain are also enjoying a rise in popularity, as this serves as a hub for people to both take part in lessons and challenges and be able to wander around and sample food and buy products. It may be worth hinting at a ticket to a gourmet event like this rather than the cookbook – at least you take it a bit further and purchase the cookbook at the actual event…
Get crafting!
This serves as useful for both you and the kids. There’s something quite endearing and enchanting about craft kits, and it doesn’t have to be something child-orientated or babyish anymore; a lot of craft these days is aimed at adults. You could pick up a new hobby such as crochet or knitting, which only requires the needles/hooks and some wool if you are concerned about space. If space is not an issue, feel free to take it further … you could try your hand at tie-dye for both you and the children, start decoupage or even get involved with free-hand sewing. It’s a great way to both relax and get something great out of it at the end.