Tired Of Harping On About Noise? Clef-er Solutions For When Your Kids Pick Up Instruments

Tired Of Harping On About Noise? Clef-er Solutions For When Your Kids Pick Up Instruments

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Tired Of Harping On About Noise? Clef-er Solutions For When Your Kids Pick Up Instruments

It happens to us all at some point. Your kid will come home, set on learning to play an instrument. What they set their heart on will depend on something they’ve heard about at school or have seen someone playing on the television. Unsurprisingly, music isn’t the majority’s forte. Some will be very talented, but for many, it will be a phase. But you want to encourage your kid because, who knows, they might be the next Jimi Hendrix or John Lennon. So how do you let your kids practice without them driving you insane?


We cannot emphasise how much you will appreciate a pair of earplugs once the cymbals start taking a bashing or the recorder goes through its tenth rendition of three blind mice. Invest in disposable earplugs or a more permanent pair, depending on how long your child sticks to their musical ventures.

Place And Time Schedules

Make a schedule. Your neighbours really won’t appreciate your little one’s attempt to become the newest member of Slipknot at 9 pm. You also don’t want the kids getting up in the middle of the night and breaking out an elaborate drum roll. Keep instruments out of your children’s rooms. You’ll thank yourself later for it. Have a designated room for practising music and a cut off time that they have to put the instruments down. This will keep you and your neighbours happy but won’t repress your child’s wishes to play and expand their abilities and knowledge.

Choose Instruments Wisely

Sometimes your kid will have their heart set on a full drumset or an electric guitar with a mega amp. Reason with them. Unless you’re pretty noisy yourself, you’re going to be hearing this instrument a lot for the next few weeks, months or maybe even years. Suggest acoustic instruments before delving into the electrics and amps.

Invest In Lessons

If your kids are serious about music, you might want to consider investing in lessons with a professional for them. For starters, you’d probably much rather hear an in-tune, impressive piece of music being repeated over and over than a flat, questionable attempt at some theme tune for hours on end. But professional lessons will also boost your child’s ability and confidence. Self-teaching can only go so far, and a professional lesson will endow your child with brilliant knowledge of their instrument, how to tune it and how to read music.

Expand Your Kids’ Minds

With the internet and youtube, in particular, everything is much easier to access nowadays. Does your kid have a penchant for the guitar? Show him or her old videos of the greats. Hendrix, Clapton, Page, Slash. Are they interested in the bass? Show them a few clips of John Entwhistle’s solos or Flea from the Red Hot Chilli Peppers hopping around on stage. Do drums take their fancy? Find clips of Keith Moon, Dave Grohl, Ginger Baker and maybe even Ringo Starr for the Beatles’ sake.

Encourage Them

Regardless of anything else, encourage your kids. Music is a great talent, and if they have a passion for it, you should nurture it.


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