The Family Living Room Edit: Creating A Space That Is Child-Friendly But Also Wonderfully Stylish

The Family Living Room Edit: Creating A Space That Is Child-Friendly But Also Wonderfully Stylish

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There’s a common misconception that a family-friendly living room has to be a space that’s devoid of style and is purely based on functionality. However, as a parent myself, I know that this doesn’t have to be the case. Just because you need to create a space that’s suitable for your little ones, as well as yourself and your partner, that doesn’t mean you have to compromise when it comes to style.

The Family Living Room Edit: Creating A Space That Is Child-Friendly But Also Wonderfully Stylish

Take the time to get inspired

Whenever I’m focusing on a DIY project, I always like to get a little inspiration before I do anything else. The best sites for using for this are Pinterest, Instagram and We Heart It, because they have so many different images to look through. Have a browse and screenshot any ideas that you love – then you can refer to them later on.

Stick to neutral colours

Kids make a lot of mess – they get sticky handprints everywhere and have a tendency to draw on the walls, so it’s a good idea to opt for neutral colours. This is because neutral paint – cream, white or beige -tends to be cheaper than brighter shades. So should you need to repaint, it shouldn’t cost you too much. It’s also worth paying a little bit extra to get paint that’s washable – aka can be wiped clean with a sponge quickly and easily to remove any dirt, grime or stains. This will cost more to buy, but as it makes your paint job last longer it’s definitely worth it.

Add colour with accessories

To brighten up the space, use accessories. Think throws, throw cushions, wall art, flameless candles, bunting, to name but a few examples. By using accessories to add colour to your living room, you make it much easier to keep it looking stylish, as you can easily and cheaply replace old accessories with new ones as trends change. Just make sure that all accessories are washable and non-breakable, or if they are breakable, make sure that they’re placed out of the reach of little hands.

The Family Living Room Edit: Creating A Space That Is Child-Friendly But Also Wonderfully Stylish

Be smart about the flooring

Yes, carpet might be wonderfully soft and cosy, but it’s not a practical option if you’ve got little ones. Carpet might look nice, but it’s not a good option if you’ve got children, simply because it’s too hard to keep clean. Instead, hardwood flooring is the best option. Although more expensive than faux wood flooring, real wood flooring, such as timber, will last much longer and offer a more stylish and sophisticated look. Believe it or not, buying timber doesn’t have to be too expensive either, especially if you buy it from a company like Quality Discount Timber, that offer discounted timber.

Think carefully about the furniture

When it comes to the furniture that’s in place, it’s important to think carefully about the pieces that you opt for. For a sofa, a leather design is a must, simply because leather is incredibly easy to keep clean as it’s wipeable. PVC – faux leather, is also easy to keep clean but it doesn’t tend to last as long or look as good, but it is cheaper. If you’re going to make the room child-friendly, it’s a good idea to remove any objects that could cause an injury, such as a coffee table that’s square or rectangular or made from glass, for instance. Instead, opt for a rounded coffee table, as this won’t have sharp corners on it, making it safer for little ones.

Just because you’ve got children, that doesn’t mean that your home can’t be stylish and well-designed.

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