The Elephant In The Room - Are You Ignoring Problems That Need Sorting?

The Elephant In The Room – Are You Ignoring Problems That Need Sorting?

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Is your home full of problems that you have just got used to, or just plain ignore? It can be so easy when we don’t have the time or money to sort out an issue straight away, to try and forget about it altogether. But as the season change and the weather become colder, it is time to deal with the elephant in the room, so to speak.

Doors and Windows

It’s pretty common for homeowners to ignore problems with windows and doors in the summer because they don’t cause an issue with heat loss. Therefore as long as they are secure, and not causing a safety risk, it’s a lot easier to just overlook them.

But when the winter comes your doors and windows can help you keep warm in the colder weather. It’s time to check that there are not cracks that let drafts in. It is also worthwhile checking that your double glazing is working well. Don’t forget that it is the gas-filled cavity in between which helps to insulate your home.


Another issue that can be easy to ignore is problems with the foundations. Your foundations are the part of your home that is sunk into the ground. They provide a solid base of which the home is built.

If something goes wrong with these, you are going to be in trouble. It can cause all sorts of problems, especially subsidence. Which can result in wall and window cracks, which are unsightly and dangerous.

A lot of people are a put off by the foundation repair cost. But the initial outlay is often justified by the money saved on structural repairs later on if the problem remains untreated.


There are plenty of issue with your properties’ walls that can occur, both inside and out. For example, damp can cause plaster and paper to bubble as well as encouraging mould. It can also cause erosion of the brick or wood on the outside wall.

Properties that haven’t been decorated recently can have uneven plaster and peeling wallpaper too. This doesn’t make for a pleasant living environment.

The problem tends to go like this. When we have had issues with the wall for too long, they can turn into the elephant in the room. This is because we have to train ourselves to not see them. Otherwise, it would be far too frustrating to live with the walls, the way they are, when we can’t do anything about it.

Unfortunately, that means that sometimes they can get left longer than they should before doing. If you are unsure about the state of your walls, as you have just got too used to them, as an honest friend to look over them with an objective eye.


The Elephant In The Room - Are You Ignoring Problems That Need Sorting?

Ignoring problems with the roof is just like asking for trouble. Remember that your roof is essential to the integrity of the structure of your whole property. It is also vital that it is in good workable condition as soon as any bad weather hits. That is why you should check it regularly and deal with any issue as they occur rather than putting them off.


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