Naturally Increase Breastmilk Supply with Lots of Milk

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Breastfeeding can be one of the most connecting experiences you share with your baby. After you grew them for 8 months, you can now continue to nourish them from your body. Unlike bottle feeding though, it’s hard to know just how much milk your baby is getting. Many parents experience having a low milk supply which can be detrimental to new babies. Other parents need to create a stash of milk before they return to work. Luckily, there are some natural herbs that can act to increase your supply.

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I’m currently nursing my third child. I swear, at this point we’ve experienced every problem in the book… low milk supply, tongue ties (on all three!), clogged ducts, formula supplementation – you name it, I’ve experienced it. Low milk supply was honestly the most stressful for me. So with our newest addition to our family, I was eager to get some help in the form of an herbal supplement.

A Quick Note: Although this supplement rocks, I highly highly recommend seeing an Internation Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC). No amount of herbs can fix a bad latch, anatomy issues, and many other problems. And as always, check with your healthcare provider before beginning any new supplements. Some herbs can interact with other medications.

Naturally Increase Breastmilk Supply with Lots of Milk

Lots of Milk is a supplement designed to increase nursing women’s milk supply. It contains three ingredients that are known to be galactagogues, herbs that increase milk supply. Fenugeek, fennel and marshmallow. It’s been designed to work better than just fenugeek alone, which is a lot of people’s first go to. It’s made in the USA and is both vegan and gluten free as the capsules are made from rice flour.


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