Kids are germy. If you’ve ever been around kids (or have been one yourself) there’s no denying it. From face, mouth and nose touching, to drool and spit, to putting everything in their mouth, kids are in constant contact with all kinds of bacteria and viruses. And although we don’t want to eliminate our kids exposure to germs, it sure would be nice if they didn’t always get sick. Increase immune systems with these natural immunity boosters for kids.

Photo by Luna Lovegood from Pexels
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I have 3 young kids all under the age of 5, plus I’m a parks and rec toddler teacher, so we are constantly exposed to germs. What’s great is all this exposure really helps strengthen our immune system; what’s not so great is the sickness that sometimes follows this exposure. I’m a busy mom of 3, I can’t afford to get sick. Here are some of our favorite natural immunity boosters for kids.
This is no doubt my own kids favorite way to increase their immunity. Candy + herbs + good stuff = a win for me. We love the Hello Bello Immunity Gummies. My kids get one a day in the morning. There’s also a ton of recipes on pinterest if you want to make your own.
Essential Oil Blends
We use essential oils often in our household, and using it as a natural immunity boosters for kids is no exception. Diffusing clove, eucalyptus, cinnamon, orange or lavender are all great choices (make sure to only diffuse child safe essential oils depending on your childs’ age). Plant therapy also has a wonderful KidSafe line of rollerballs that include an immunity booster roll on.
Dirt & Germs
Playing in dirt and mud is the cheapest and simpliest way to boost a young immune system. Research has shown that exposure to bacteria in soil can help develop the immune system. A majority of the microbes in soil are benign or beneficial rather then harmful.
Easier said the done with young children, I know. But sleep promotes healing. Research has shown that not only are the chronically sleep deprived are more likely to get sick after virus exposure, but they take longer to heal as well. Even more reasons for naps.
Much like essential oils, herbs are a great way to support and boost the immune system. Herbs such as Echinacea, Rose, Dandelion and elderberry are all great immunity boosters for kids. Our favorite way is to infuse the herbs with local honey and made peanut butter and honey sandwiches (for children over age 1). Red Moon Herbs also has great suggestions for using herbs with children.
Not only are baths fun, but they can be great for immunity. A warm bath can make blood flow easier, clear the airways and be relaxing (hopefully allowing for more sleep and rest!). Toss in a few of the above herbs. a little bit of bath salts, or my recipe for bath herbs for an added bonus.
Germs aren’t all bad, but it’s definitly hard to slow down when illness does occur. With these natural immunity boosters for kids, hopefully you’ll find something that works for your family.