The days and weeks after you bring your new baby home is exciting and stressful in equal measures. There’s nothing more special than that time spent with your baby in the early days. However, when you’re settling into parenthood, there are bumps in the road. If this is your first baby especially, it’s such a dramatic change of routine, and it can take a while to get used to everything. One of the aspects that some new parents can struggle with is keeping the home in order. With a new baby, cleanliness is more important than ever, but with so many things to do and not much sleep, it can leave you wondering how you’ll find the time. Here are some of the ways you can maintain a clean and tidy home with a newborn baby.
Deep Clean and Declutter Before Your Baby Arrives
Many mothers get a ‘nesting’ instinct while pregnant, and you might find that you’re suddenly obsessed with getting the home clean and in order. Use this motivation to your advantage, and before your baby arrives get cleaning. Work your way through the home decluttering rooms as you go, which will free up precious space which you’ll need with a new baby! Give everywhere a good clean and tidy, not forgetting things like windows, curtains, carpets and behind furniture. Being pregnant you don’t want to over-exert yourself, so take it at your own pace, you could even just do one room a day. Either way, a clean and decluttered home will stay tidier for longer. It makes putting things away much easier and means you have less to worry about in the chaotic early days of having your new baby at home.
Get Organised
Another way to make your life easier, and is something you can do while you’re still pregnant is get organized. Once your home is cleaned and decluttered this will be much easier. Have your new baby’s clothes washed and folded or hung up ready to go. Make sure baby products are all organized into drawers for easy access and no messing around when you need them. Having all of your own things organized is helpful too. All you’re going to want to do is look after your baby and sleep, not having to search for things.
Consider Hiring a Maid
Hiring a maid, even if it’s just for the first few weeks when your baby arrives home can be incredibly helpful for new parents. This way you have peace of mind that surfaces, the bathroom, and kitchen are all clean and free of bacteria. They could help you keep on top of your laundry- something that mounts up quickly when you have a baby! They could take care of general jobs such as vacuuming and making beds. Either way, it allows you to keep your home clean and tidy when you simply don’t have the energy to do it yourself. You could look at a company like Domestic One to find out rates and services.
Accept Help From Family and Friends
If family and friends offer help, don’t be too proud to accept. Loved ones will want to make this time as easy as possible for you, so lean on them if you need to. A simple task like doing a pile of laundry or loading the dishwasher means it’s one less thing for you to worry about. And you can get back to the most important job- caring for your newborn.