Is Your Child ‘Too Old’ For That?

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There are many parents out there. Some parents are more judgemental than others. What people usually forget, is that every child and situation is different. This means that no child’s ‘timeline’ is going to be the same. If you’re wondering whether your child is ‘too old’ for something, read on…


There’s no real set rule on breastfeeding. You start breastfeeding right away, and you can safely continue to do this for years. Some parents choose to switch to powdered milk after a time. However, it is down to personal preference. Many studies suggest that breast milk is healthiest, as it’s the most natural way to feed your baby. Although you may not want to be the parent that breastfeeds a 6 year old child, the timeline you stick to is your choice.

Using A Diaper

Children toilet train at different times. Some develop faster than others, but you shouldn’t feel bad if yours isn’t ready yet. The key is to take your time and not get cross with them, as this can make them scared of the toilet and reluctant to go. If you still need to use diapers at night time, do it. As long as you listen to your intutition and know when your child is ready, that’s fine!

Car Seats

Your baby needs car seat suitable for them in order to ride comfortably and safely in the car. Toddlers and older children may need a car seat too, as this is the safest way for them to travel. If you need to find the most suitable car seat, use the infographic below!

By Baby Seats Reviews


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