Life is dotted with little luxurious and tedious times. One minute you’re flying high, enjoying drinks with the girls. The next you’re tripping over the overflowing laundry basket as you walk through the front door. When is enough, enough?
Not everyone likes chores (but some people do). If that’s you, maybe it’s time to step back. If you hate the thought of scrubbing the toilet or washing your car, then don’t. Life’s too short to spend it doing chores.
General Cleaning
This one’s a biggie and pretty much the one we all hate the most, probably because it’s the one we have to do the most. But general chores and tidying up is the worse. Dusting, sweeping, scrubbing and hoovering isn’t good for you. Your back aches and your hands get dry. Unless you absolutely thrive off of it, maybe it’s time to call in the professionals. You decide, what’s the prospect of a duster-free life worth to you?
Washing The Windows
As homeowners, we often get so wrapped up in keeping the inside of our houses clean, that we think it’s all that matters. Until we look outside. If you can barely see the yard anymore, it’s probably time to admit defeat. If you’ve got a ladder, a bucket and cloth, you could go out there and give it a go yourself, but what’s the need? That’s what window cleaners are for.
What was that? The prospect of sweating over a steaming iron, burning yourself yet again, and ending up with a shirt more creased than it was to start, with doesn’t excite you? How awful of you. Ironing is often a lost cause. It can be far more hassle than it’s worth. Some people love to do it though, and they’ll do yours too – for a fee of course. If you really can’t bare another burn, hand over your hard earned cash and never look back.
The Yard
Some people find gardening therapeutic. Although they’re probably in the minority. The idea of getting dirt under your fingernails, tugging at weeds and operating confusing machinery can be that appealing, can it? If you’ve never lifted a space, good on you. But, there’s no excuses for not having a neat and tidy yard. Call in companies like Greensward Landscaping and never pretend you’ll get round to it next weekend again.
Deep Cleans
If you thought everyday cleaning was bad, maybe you’ve never tried anything more. The deep cleans are the worst. There’s nothing like getting your gloves on and scrubbing your stove for hours on end, only for it to look no different, to make you miss simply dusting. Not to mention sweeping the chimney or cleaning your carpets. These jobs could be classed as modern day torture. If you’ve just realised they need doing, don’t panic and certainly don’t think about doing them yourself. Sit back, put your feet up and get online. Just like you can hire general cleaners, you can get specialists in too. Your new cleaner might even be willing to do the big jobs too, the crazy thing!