Although there is certainly no place like home. When you have small children and toddlers taking over the area, it’s essential to increase the safety precautions. There are so many danger around the home that you might not have even thought of until an accident has happened. Don’t waste your time wishing you’d have taken action before an event. Stay vigilant on prepare thoroughly for anything. Here are some tips to help you get started.
Make Your Windows Safe
You would be surprised at how many children fall out of a window. It seems like such a ridiculous thing to do but when a kid is pushing their boundaries, accidents do happen. To ensure they stay safe, make sure you either put up a guard against the window or use a window stop so that the window can only open by less than 4 inches. If you do have the windows open it’s best that you don’t leave small children in that room alone.
Keep Toxic Fluids Out of Reach
Kids seem always to find exactly what you don’t want them to. Every parents’ fear is for a child to drink a toxic fluid that is meant for cleaning purposes. If possible put a fail-proof child lock on the door where the cleaning materials are kept. Make sure kids know from an early age that these fluids are dangerous and keep them out of reach. If a child does drink something they should, call a doctor straight away. It’s also a good idea to use non-toxic fluids for cleaning the house
Install Specific Security Features
If you worry about the overall safety of your home, it would be sensible to research specific security features that can be implemented. Invest in security screen doors to ward off unwanted visitors and pair a door with an alarm system. All of these infrastructures will help to keep everyone you love safe and sound. They will also give you peace-of-mind, which is priceless.
Beware of Stairs
Stairs are the cause of some many broken bones; especially when little ones are only just starting to walk. To make sure the stair remain safe it’s worth keeping the top and the bottom guarded with a gate at all times. It can be a nuisance and you might feel like they get in the wy but they certainly prevent accidents from happening. Avoid keeping anything sharp at the bottom of the stairs in case someone does lose their footing and hurt themselves on it.
Sleep with one Eye Open
Only kidding! When you have toddlers running around and being overly emotional, it’s easy to feel constantly on edge. Don’t spend your life worrying, though. Simply take the precautions you need and be sensible about it all. If you’re concerned a situation isn’t safe, trust your instincts. Your intuition is usually right, and the earlier you begin to teach your kid what is safe and what is not will leave you both in good stead. Remember to breathe, relax and have fun with being a parent too!
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