Newborn sleep can be such a challenge in the beginning – are they sleeping long enough? Too long? Do I wake them to eat? How do I get them to sleep more? And swaddling? There’s so much fabric! Luckily, swaddling doesn’t have to be confusing. Snugglebumpkinz AdaptiFIT easy swaddle makes swaddling a breeze – even for the inexperienced.
Three kids in, and I’d like to think I’m pretty adept at swaddling a baby – even a wiggly one. However, it hasn’t always been that way. Before my first was born, I had read about it in a few baby articles, but seeing a nurse swaddle my firstborn when he was just born was absolutely mistifying for me… there was so much fabric, and inevitably it would end up too long on one side and be too short by the time I finished. I got better over time, and gradually my son began to sleep more, but having a product with a shorter learning curve would have been heaven in my sleep deprived state.

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The AdaptiFIT by Snuggle Bumpkinz is a unique, self adhesive blanket. It’s not a standard swaddle or sleep sack. It’s easier to wrap then those giant muslin squares and more adjustable than any other swaddling device on the market.
The AdaptiFIT is a a square blanket with velcro squares on the outskirts of the blanket. This allows you to get a better fit for the swaddle and allows it to grow better with your baby. It also allows you to choose to wrap your baby’s leg together, seperately or allow them to be free (never tightly swaddle baby’s legs). And when baby outgrows the swaddle, it can also be used as a blanket.

We primarily swaddle during naptimes during the day, since we cosleep during the night. It’s easy to create a nice tight fit, even with a wiggly, flailing baby. I’ve found with other swaddles, baby really has to be in the perfect position to get a nice fit, but with this, she can really be in any position. It’s also easy to only unwrap the bottom, while keeping the swaddle tight – perfect if you’re doing a late night diaper change.

The adaptifit is machine washable (thank god!) but you’ll really want to wash it in a laundry bag. The strong hook and loop closure (“velcro”) snags and catches on everything when there is nothing covering it. And its not sharp per se, but I’m not sure how well this would work as an actual blanket since it catches on everything.
The Snuggle Bumpkinz Adaptifit is available for purchase from the Snuggle Bumpkinz website, and makes a perfect baby shower gift, or gift for your own new baby.