Are you pregnant and worried about the increased strain and discomfort you’ve been feeling as you go about your day? Are you concerned over whether or not your posture is ensuring the safety of the baby as you go about doing your regular daily activities?

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During pregnancy, your body goes through a lot of changes that can be uncomfortable to deal with. Worry and concern are natural during your pregnancy. After all, you want what’s best for the little life you carry inside you. Here are some steps you can take to ensure that your posture is good for you and your baby.
Stand Straight
It sounds like common sense, but we all need a reminder sometimes. Be conscious of how you stand. When you notice yourself slipping, adjust by holding your head and neck straight. Don’t tilt your head and keep your knees straight but not locked.
Loosen up your shoulders and let them drop naturally. Pushing your shoulder blades too far back can cause lower back strain while you’re pregnant. Letting them fall where they will puts you in a more relaxed position.
As you stand straight, gently pull in your abdomen, pulling it in as much as you possibly can. Don’t tilt your pelvis too far forward or backward. Doing this small movement will help you avoid such motions that would cause a protruded belly and a swayed back.
Along the same lines, pull in your buttocks as you pull in your abdomen to help with pelvic posture. Doing this action helps shift your weight in just the right manner that the displaced center of gravity will be corrected.
You can practice standing up straight and tightening your buttocks by standing against a wall. Straighten your spine and pull in your buttocks at the same time to see how it’s supposed to feel.
Sit Straight
Try to sit on a chair with a straight back as much as possible. If you feel like it doesn’t offer enough lower back support, place a pillow behind you. Put your feet squarely on the ground or use a footstool to take unneeded pressure off your back. Avoid sitting cross-legged as it can result in poor blood circulation and varicose veins.
If you have an office job or work from home, sitting in a straight back chair from 9 AM to 5 PM will be strenuous. Try to find a comfortable desk chair to suit your needs. Guides on websites like Desk Advisor can be a great resource for finding a comfortable chair that helps your posture while you’re expecting.
Avoid Standing for Too Long
Swelling in your feet and ankles are just some of the drawbacks of standing too long while pregnant. It can affect your blood circulation as well. Some studies have shown that pregnant women that have standing jobs are more likely to deliver babies that are smaller. If your job requires you to stand for an extended period of time, rest one foot on a chair or stool and switch off every now and then. Also, do foot exercises to help with the circulation to your calf muscles and the rest of your body.
As mentioned above, but particularly important to remember when standing for long periods of time, don’t lock your knees. Stand with your feet shoulder’s width apart and bend your knees ever so slightly so that your thighs support the weight of your body. Ensure that your weight is spread evenly across your entire foot. Standing like this keeps strain off your back and the heels of your feet.
When you stand for a long time, be sure you bend gently while trying to sit. Any quick or jerky movement can cause strain and injury to your weakened ligaments.
Sleep Right
When you’re into your fifth month of pregnancy, avoid sleeping on your back and stomach. Sleeping on your back will cause strain while sleeping on your stomach puts too much stress to your uterus and will adversely affect the uterus. Sleep on your left side to improve blood circulation to the placenta and avoid any negative effects.
Maintaining good posture can do wonders for your body during pregnancy. If you want to keep any nasty aches and pains at bay while you’re expecting, try some of the tricks listed above!