Hey there, single mama.
I want to let you know that it’s okay.
It’s okay that things are difficult for you now. Whether you’re single by choice, circumstance, distance or event, it’s okay. Motherhood is difficult enough as it is, and not having another adult to depend on is challenging. You’re doing the best you can. Maybe the dishes or laundry aren’t always done, or you’re eating fast food everyday. Maybe the kids go to sleep without a bath or you forgot about snack time for the soccer team. Maybe breastfeeding didn’t work out. It’s okay.
It’s okay, if not overwhelming that you have to take on multiple roles in your family. Breadwinner, homemaker, mother, parent, cook, chauffeur, doctor – you play them all. Do what you can but don’t get down on yourself if you can’t do everything. You weren’t meant to do it all.
Or maybe you like being a single mother and have it all figured out. That’s okay too. You do you. There’s nothing wrong with that and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.
It’s okay to complain and vent your frustrations. It’s difficult being your child’s everything. Make connections and relationships. If you have an extended family, visit them. Make friends in mommy’s groups if you can – there are groups available on the weekend. If that’s not an option – find your tribe on facebook. Even if it’s online, having likeminded friends can be a lifeline for your sanity.
It’s okay to take a night off for yourself. Parenting is hard and sometimes we all need a break. Go out on the town with friends, see a movie by yourself. Hire a babysitter just so you can take a bath uninterrupted. That’s okay. We all love our kids but sometimes separation is normal.
It’s okay to ask for help. Physically, emotionally or financially. Children push us to our limits and then beyond. They stretch our hearts and our budgets. It’s okay to borrow money if you need it, it’s okay to take advantage of resources such as WIC, public assistance, and food banks. You do what you need to do for your children. At the end of the day, you are doing what is best for you family. It’s okay.
Remember Mama, you’re doing the best you can with what you’ve got. You’re doing great. ❤
None of us are perfect but most of us try our best. I’m not a single mom but most of these points resonate with me as well. Thanks for reminding us that it’s okay to be human.
Besos, Sarah
Journeys of The Zoo