Breastfeeding is truly a labor of love. Latch issues, milk supply issues, pain, ties… it’s truly work! Add in pumping – whether to boost supply, go back to work, or exclusive pumping – and it feels like a full time job! Luckily, pumping got a little easier with the Simple Wishes pumping bra, making hands free pumping a possibility.

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I’m on my third baby now, and I’ve pumped with every single one (read about my first’s breastfeeding experience here). My first I pumped to boost supply and during work, my second when I returned to work, and now I’m pumping to help my baby get extra calories. So I get how time consuming and boring pumping can be. Luckily, it can get a little better with a hands free pumping bra – no more holding flanges for 30+ minutes at a time.
Hands Free Pumping with the Simple Wishes Bra

The Signature Hands Free Pumping Bra can be worn by itself or over a bra during a pumping session. The patented design is adjustable in size, using high quality Velcro, to sustain a perfect fit over time as a nursing mother’s size changes. Straps and removable 1” Center Panel included to help achieve the perfect fit.
It’s very important to get the correct size. Too tight and it won’t fit, too loose and it won’t be able to hold the flanges in place. Simple Wishes has a sizing chart to help you decide which size to purchase.
The bra itself is very easy to use as you simply velcro it around yourself. When I’m home, I’ll often go braless while using it; while when I’m somewhere else, I’ll place it over my bra. I do have to use the velcro panel to get a good fit; but once I have the fit, I’ll use the zipper in the front to get it on and off.
The flanges are then placed in the flaps in the front. Getting your nipple into the perfect spot can be a bit cumbersome since it’s a little harder to see, but once you’re used to it, it’s really not a big deal. I love the double ‘flap’ design. I’ve use other bras that have only a single cut out opening, which can sometimes cause the flanges to slip if you move the wrong way, but the double flaps on this really ensure the flanges stay where they’re supposed to.

Having a pumping bra like the simple wishes hands free pumping bra has made pumping so much easier, and dare I say pleasurable? Whether I’m pumping while entertaining my baby at the same time, or just casually surfing the internet on my phone (or writing a blog post), it allows me to multitask and make use of this time – because pumping really is a lot of time.
If you’re planning on breastfeeding or pumping or are currently breastfeeding and pumping I highly recommend purchasing the Simple Wishes hands free pumping bra. You can purchase it on the Simple Wishes website or on Amazon.
Doyou have a pumping bra you love? What do you do to pass the time while pumping?