Good News! (A Pregnancy Update)

Good News! (A Pregnancy Update)

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If you’re subscribed to my newsletter (and why wouldn’t you be?), you got the news on Monday that my first ultrasound last week was less than optimal. The doctor found a gestational sac, but no fetal pole or heartbeat. Since the sac was still small, we were scheduled for a follow up appointment to see if the sac would grow over the following week. I was advised to keep taking my prenatal vitamin and go on with life as normal.

Which is an impressively difficult task when you aren’t sure if your baby is still developing or not. I spent a few days moping around, and ultimately convinced myself that I was going to lose this baby too. I took a break from blogging and relaxed. My body was still exhausted so I was going to bed earlier and earlier. Midweek I (finally) started feeling nauseated, so I took that as a good sign, but I still didn’t want to get my hopes up too much.

Finally Thursday rolled around and my husband and I were able to get our followup ultrasound done. Sure enough, there was our teeny tiny 7 week old baby, complete with heartbeat. It was so magical hearing that heartbeat and seeing our little blob that I almost cried out of joy. I feel like such a huge weight was lifted off of my shoulders. Of course, it’s still possible to experience a pregnancy loss this early, I feel much more optimistic.

So, we’re now looking at a due date of March 14, 2017, which suddenly seems so close. Can’t believe we’ll be welcoming a new member to our family in such a short amount of time, and that Ethan will be a big brother. I’m excited to go on this pregnancy journey again.



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