Your home is your castle – or so the saying goes. But if you are feeling a little more like a pauper than a princess in your own house, things could be a little amiss. Our homes should be somewhere we love coming back to after a long day at work, and somewhere we should be happy to show off to friends and family. If you can’t relate to either of these statements, it may be a sure fire sign that it is time for a change. But what do you do if you don’t have the budget to perform a full scale renovation on your property? Well, the answer is that you might not even have to! It is actually easier than you might think to get your home looking its best with just a few minor upgrades – no renovation or building work allowed! Here are some of the ways you can work with what you’ve got and go the extra mile for a truly beautiful home.

Get the place looking spotless
An artist is never going to produce a visual masterpiece if he doesn’t have a great canvas to work on. In the very same vein, you can have the most beautifully decorated house in the world – but if all that beautiful decor is clouded by a layer of mess, dust and dirt, none of that is going to matter! Chances are you already have the basics down, such as hoovering regularly and wiping down any kitchen surfaces after use. But sometimes you may find that dirt harbors itself in unexpected places that cannot be reached with the usual kind of cleaning equipment. For this reason, it could be a good decision to invest in the best handheld vacuum, or similar size-orientated cleaning items, to make sure that no stone goes un-turned in your home.
Create light
A house that looks dull and dark is never going to feel welcoming and full of life. Dark homes are a problem many people face, especially when living in very built up areas (you may find yourself overshadowed by another property, for example). While a drastic measure may be to have more windows installed, you can also create a brighter home on a much smaller scale too. Choosing light colors such as white or pale blue for your rooms can make the home seem more airy, and investing in some large mirrors can help reflect sunlight off the walls, giving the impression of a brighter room.

Add plants
It really is surprising what a little bit of greenery can do to a home. If you are thinking of buying expensive decor in an effort to breathe life back into your home, first stop and think if it could be done in a much cheaper way. Flowers, indoor shrubs and leaves are a great way to make your property look more luxe on a budget. Just remember to keep on top of the care of your plants, as nothing lets a house down more than dead, wilting plants.