If you want to go green, there are all sorts of things you can do to start saving the planet, some things being as simple as turning the light off when you leave the room! – So there’s really no excuse.
Here’s how to go green, and stay green.
Going green within your household isn’t as difficult as people make it out to be, it’s just being bothered to do it that is the problem. It’s not about doing one big thing; it’s doing many things and getting into the habit of them.
One of the best examples for this is your water. It’s so precious, you don’t want to waste it, plus it’s expensive the more you use, and it all adds to that final bill at the end of the month. So when you’re brushing your teeth, don’t leave the tap running – turn in off. The same goes for washing up the dishes. Fill the bowl up and use that water, as a pose just letting the hot tap run the whole time.
Another thing that makes all the difference is not blasting the heater on the maximum temperature in the Winter time, instead find ways to stay warm with blankets, and make sure your house is properly insulated. This will drastically cut down on how much pay monthly.
There are also eco-friendly appliances that you can buy for your home, like power saving light bulbs, green kettles, and even halogen ovens.
There are so many ways that changing the vehicle you drive can help better the planet. Driving a low emission car is what will make a huge difference because it cuts down the pollution given out by it. There are lots of environmentally friendly cars which give off low carbon compounds when it drives, and they also use less toxic fuels compared to other vehicles.
It doesn’t just have to be a big car though, if you have your own motorbike there are plenty of new things out there for you too! Becoming a very popular way to travel; even France has brought out their own electric scooter. They are pretty much very attractive looking scooters, which are completely electronic, meaning no noise and no exhaust. It’s battery powered, so all you have to do is charge up and go.
Cut down on the meat you eat every week, and if you do buy some, make sure that it’s free range. Even better is if they were raised on a local farm near you, because your money will be going towards the local economy, instead of a big brand from a large branch of supermarkets.
Another good tip is to eat in season. So when the strawberries come out, that’s when you should eat them. Food that travels by plane from a different county to get sold in your supermarket, is the worst way for your food to travel because of the use of carbon for them to reach you. It’s so much easier when you just buy it from the farmers in your area instead. It’ll taste so much better too.