The dreaded spring clean. Do you hate it when it comes around? It’s nice that the chill of winter has eased off and the days are getting lighter and brighter, but the prospect of having to clean everywhere and everything can be quite daunting. So, why leave it until spring?
If you usually start your spring clean in late February or March, change it. Move it until now, tomorrow or next week and get it out of the way. By bringing your spring clean forwards, you can even time it up with having a revitalized new year or even in time for the festive season. And if you’re still not sure, these four points will make you want to get it done.
Start As You Mean To Go On
First of all, who wouldn’t want to start as they mean to go on? If you want a clean, tidy and organized 2017, why not set the mood off right and get it done ahead of time. By giving your home a complete once over early on in the year, you’ll be more inclined to stay on top of it and make a difference as the months go by. So, get together your cleaning checklist and start today. Do the dusting and wash the floors, throw out broken unwanted items and give the things you no longer need to charity. You’ll be glad you did when you home look and feels brand new.
Ensure Everything’s Running Right
Aside from the prospect of having a home so clean it sparkles, way ahead of spring, there’s a peace of mind you can get now. If you have air conditioning, check that it’s working well and not in need of any repairs before you need it. If you wait until it’s warm, it might not work, and you’ll spend days overheating when you could prevent it from happening by doing it now. It’s the same with your garbage disposal, central heating, and even pool filter if you have one. By getting them checked out now, you could sort small issues out before they become real problems.

Avoid The Inevitable
Not only can you start as you mean to go on and avoid problems later on down the line by starting your spring refresh or spruce up right now, but you’re also avoiding the inevitable. It needs to be ticked off, so why not do it now? By getting it out of the way early, not only can you enjoy the benefits of a gorgeously clean home earlier, but you can also enjoy spring if it starts ahead of time this year. You’ll feel so glad you did if you get a few warm days in March and can enjoy them, rather than frantically trying to sort the house as you would usually be doing when this happens.
Think Ahead
Plus, by getting a spring clean in early, you can combine a lot of the winter jobs you normally do and get ahead. Say you plan to clean your oven and freezer ahead of Christmas or the New Year, then why not add in a super early spring clean too? It’ll mean you get to enjoy the benefits of a crazily clean home for either Christmas or the start of the New Year and feel kind of smug about it. Yes, you might need to start your next spring clean earlier, but what could be better than having it finished ahead of the festive season or New Year?
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