There are many beliefs around the world regarding energy and life force. In Chinese culture, it is called chi or qi, but it may be referred to by many other names. It is sometimes called prana, orgone or aether. Your home should be the place where you feel most comfortable. You should feel that it radiates with positive energy and provides comfort when you get home. However, not everyone believes that their home has this comforting and positive feeling. Perhaps it’s a new home or maybe you feel like there are bad memories attached to it. If you want to change the energy in your home, you can take inspiration from ideas from around the world.

Use Feng Shui
If you’re looking for energy inspiration, feng shui can be a good place for you to start. This ancient Chinese practice helps to harmonize you with your environment. People often associate it with putting your furniture in the right place or buying some potted plants. However, there is much more to it than that. If you’re not sure where to start, it might be a good idea to get a book about feng shui. You can even hire someone to come and feng shui your home. Although feng shui can be complicated, it doesn’t take much to get to grips with some basic actions you can take. For example, adding a water feature could help to bring you wealth.

Buy Some Energy Devices
There are various materials and objects that are said to create and radiate energy. For example, orgonite is said to be an orgone generator. It is made from metal and resin and can be shaped into objects. Orgonite is often made into pyramids, cones, disks and other shapes. People might use it for different reasons. Some people believe that it will help to combat negative energy from cell phone towers or pollution. Others think that it will help their plants to grow. There are other materials that you might want to explore, such as quartz.

Purify Rooms with Scents and Herbs
Many people find that using fragrances and herbs, spices and flowers helps to improve a room’s energy. They feel that it helps to purify the air and get rid of any negative energy that it present. For example, sage is a popular herb to burn as a cleansing ritual. You can burn and smudge white sage and perhaps say a prayer, mantra or blessing. Other scents might also bring you comfort in your home. Sometimes it’s just down to choosing a fragrance that you enjoy.
Use Words to Create Positive Energy
What you do in your home can make a difference too. For example, a home where unkind words and raised voices are common could be full of negative energy. You should also make sure that your behavior helps to create positive energy. Think before you speak and try to be kind. You can also include positive words in your decor, perhaps with a wall sticker or artwork.
There are many ways to change the energy in your home. Find out what works for you by experimenting.