Clutter. It’s a word that has been around forever, but one which seems to be used more today than ever before. It’s always had negative connotations. It’s synonymous with “mess” and “debris” – but the way we view it today has more to it than that. Look at any show home, go to any furnishing store. Look around you and what you’ll see is as much space as possible.

It’s not going too far to say that de-cluttering has become a trend these days. However, while a lot of trends are fashionable for a while and then go away, this one is likely to stick.
Maybe smaller furniture and less of it was a design choice – but as it turns out, it’s positive in a practical sense. The more space we have, the less stressed we feel. We prefer not to have too many things lying around.
Of course, if you have kids (or even if you don’t), you can’t help accumulating things. Toys, appliances, tools and more besides. So if you can’t help having it, how do you stop it becoming clutter? Simple. You need storage.
How Much Storage Is Enough?
You’ll know you have enough storage when everything has a place and is in that place. Especially when you have kids, leaving things lying around or out on show is not the best idea. People can trip over toys, step on and break items, and things can easily get lost. Storage, especially when it is well-made, allows the things that would be clutter to be kept neat and tidy.
Flat Pack Vs. Ready-Made
The question of flat pack furniture is a tricky one for anyone with the environment at heart. It’s cheap, and it can be convenient. But it doesn’t last very well, and it can’t easily be recycled or upcycled. So you need to consider whether it’s right for your purposes.
By all means, for some of the storage you don’t have in the main house, pick up a few pieces from a store with sound green principles. Get your Drills and Drivers and get to work! If it isn’t used much, it will last longer and won’t need to be disposed of.
Other than that, looking in thrift stores for the right pieces may be your best option. It’s worth doing this if you’re planning a move or a renovation soon, as you can arrange to have them delivered with the rest of your furniture.
Any Other Handy Hints?
The height of storage will be your savior, for so many reasons. For one thing, anything that kids should not be handling can be kept up high, away from curious eyes and fingers. Secondly, the higher up the storage goes, the more you can get on it. Stack high rather than spreading out, and that stressful clutter will be just a memory.
One word of caution about this, however: If you’re storing items up high, it’s best to fasten storage cabinets to the wall. Too much weight too high can cause them to topple otherwise. Whether you have kids or not, that can be disastrous.
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