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This is my about page. Sponsors and advertisers may be more interested in my sponsored & advertising request page

Hello, I’m Stephanie (she/he/they). I’m an employment advisor, parks and rec instructor, blogger & aspiring face painter, mother of 3. So, basically, a jack of all trades. focuses on my love of pregnancy, birth, and parenting; a labor of love. ❤

For fun, here’s 10 Random Facts About Me

  1. I’ve been vegetarian since 2006..
  2. I’m genderfluid and use all pronouns.
  3. I love plants, herbs and essential oils.
  4. I have 7 tattoos and 8 piercings – though most people can’t tell.
  5. I have my BA in psychology.
  6. I have psoriasis – an immune disorder that causes my body to attack itself and make new skin cells too often.
  7. My spouse and I are polyamorous.
  8. I used to own a natural mineral makeup company.
  9. I have both ADHD and PMDD, which sometimes makes cleaning difficult.
  10. All of my kids cosleep and will continue to do so until they are ready.

I believe that parenthood is challenging no matter the ages, and we could all benefit from having more of a village. Whether you’re looking to use more herbal remedies or are content using western medicine, I’m here to support your own unique journey. Welcome to Mama Hippie, bohemian living for the everyday parent.

Feel free to connect with me on social media as. I’m on facebook, pinterest, twitter, and instagram. You can join my mailing list here.

Click here for contact information.

My Favorite Posts

I have around 500 posts to date, but I thought it would be fun to show you some of my favorites. In no particular order, here are my top 12 favorite posts.

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Plus, when you subscribe, you’ll also get my natural labor bag checklist, free to you!