Are you a natural minded mama with flowers in your hair and crystals in your room?Have you ever had your toddlers chakras realigned? Then you might be a hippie mama!

50+ Signs You Might be a Hippie Mama

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Are you a natural minded mama with flowers in your hair and crystals in your bedroom? Have you ever had your toddlers chakras aligned or had a lotus birth? Then you just might be a hippie mama. Namaste!

Are you a natural minded mama with flowers in your hair and crystals in your room?Have you ever had your toddlers chakras realigned? Then you might be a hippie mama!

Here are 50+ Signs you might be a hippie mama.

  1. You don’t wear perfume, yet you still smell like patchouli and lavender.
  2. You know what a lotus birth is.
  3. You skipped the baby purees and instead handed your baby food.
  4. You collect mason jars.
  5. You know what EBF, BLW, SSC, EC and NFP stand for.
  6. You’ve taken your child to a drum circle.
  7. Instead of an epidural during labor, you used a tens machine.
  8. Your first aid kit contains essential oils, coconut oils, witch hazel, activated charcoal, sea salt and a neti pot.
  9. You know the difference between a wrap, a sling, a soft-structured carrier and a mei tai.
  10. Your toddler owns one of the above and knows how to carry their dolls in in.
  11. Your child owns wooden toys, a few silicone or rubber balls, but absolutely no plastic.
  12. You have consumed or are considering consuming your placenta
  13. You know the difference between homeschooling and unschooling.
  14. You’ve considered having your child’s chakras aligned.
  15. You make your own deodorant.
  16. You’ve used menstrual cups or mama cloth.
  17. You consider yourself to be an intactivist.
  18. You own an amber or hazelwood necklace.
  19. Your children have no problem eating things like quinoa, kale, tofu and seitan.
  20. You waited until your baby was a year old before introducing grains.
  21. You’ve been invited to a chicken pox party.
  22. You have an essential oil diffuser in ever major room in your house
  23. You know what triandum nursing is.
  24. Your preschooler helps you maintain your compost pile.
  25. You know what aquafaba is.
  26. You can name at least 20 uses for coconut oil off the top of your head.
  27. You have a framed poster of your birth affirmations.
  28. Your children are on a delayed, selective or nonexistent vaccination schedule.
  29. Unique, eco-friendly products chosen just for you and your little one!

  30. A typical breakfast at your house includes a green smoothie.
  31. You know who Knost, Aldort, Ockwell-Smith and Markham are.
  32. You’ve convinced your toddler that medjool dates are candy.
  33. You have several mandalas in your home.
  34. You’ve taken you’re child to a chiropractor.
  35. You have a placenta print in your nursery.
  36. You have a peace sign, mandala, sun or moon tattooed.
  37. Your wardrobe is dictated by the ease of getting your breast out.
  38. Your nightlight is a Himalayan salt lamp.
  39. You only own 1 or 2 pairs of shoes since you usually walk around barefoot.
  40. Despite having 3 children, you have never owned a stroller.
  41. You’re made dreamcatchers and suncatchers out of recycled glass and wood.
  42. You’ve drafted your own Kombucha.
  43. Your teenage daughter has never used disposable menstrual products.
  44. You have a tub of coconut oil in several different rooms of your house.
  45. You know what cord burning is.
  46. You’re baby owns more than one tye-dyed onsie.
  47. Your child’s first birthday cake was raw.
  48. You don’t own a baby monitor since you cosleep.
  49. You and your toddler have matching yoga mats.
  50. You refuse to have balloons in your house – not for fear of your toddler choking, but for fear of it polluting the ocean.
  51. You could add several more bulletpoints to this list.
  52. Your baby’s rattle is actually a rainstick

How high did you score? Could you add anything to the list? Let me know in the comments below.


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