Looking for a unique baby names for your new little pumpkin? Find the perfect name inspired by fruits, vegetables and herbs.

30+ Baby Names Inspired by Fruit & Herbs

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Looking for a unique name for your new little pumpkin? Sometimes the best inspiration is right in front of us, including the kitchen. For a fresh baby name, try one of these inspired by fruits, veggies and herbs.

Looking for a unique baby names for your new little pumpkin? Find the perfect name inspired by fruits, vegetables and herbs.


  • Apple – sweet fruit in the rose family
  • Aubergine – a type of eggplant
  • Cherry – a sweet or tart red fruit
  • Clary – from clary sage, an herb used in natural medicine
  • Clementine – a hybrid fruit between a mandarin and sweet orange
  • Fig – a flowering plant in the mulberry family
  • Ginger – a flowering plant used both as a spice and herbally
  • Juniper – a berry most commonly used to flavor sauces and beverages
  • Lavendar –purple flowering plant in the mint family
  • Maple – a genus of trees whose sap is used to produce maple syrup
  • Melissa – alternative name for lemon balm, an herb used in natural medicine
  • Mint – a spicy hybrid plant used both in flavorings and medicinally
  • Pepper – a flowering vine fruit most commonly dried and used as a spice
  • Persimmon a red orange fruit most commonly used in baking
  • Pumpkin – a bright orange fruit native to North America
  • Rosemary – a perinneal herb from the mint family


  • August – a variety of peach
  • Basil – ‘king of the herbs’, one the most popular herbs
  • Bartlett – type of pear
  • Bosc – A type of pear
  • Caraway – a small plant used to spice bread
  • Corey – from the herb, coriander
  • Flint – a variety of corn
  • Hudson – A type of cherry
  • Kale – annual plant grown for both ornamental and consumptive purposes
  • Rainier – a variety of cherry
  • Rue – also known as the herb of grace
  • Russett – variety of potato
  • Sage – a small evergreen plant commonly used as a spice
  • Serrano – a variety of pepper
  • Thyme – an evergreen herb with both culinary and medicinal uses

Did I miss any great names? What did you name your child?

More Baby Name Inspiration

Looking for a unique baby names for your new little pumpkin? Find the perfect name inspired by fruits, vegetables and herbs.


  1. Catherine

    How about these:
    Coriander or Coriandra

    Coriander seeds can be used cooking, natural healing or perfumery

  2. Hsu Mon

    How about Broccoli for girl
    I like Broccoli since i’was young

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