Finding out your pregnant can be both an exciting and scary time. How often does peeing on a stick predict what the next 18+ years of your life will look like? Although you'll be making many changes to your lifestyle and family over the next couple months, most of those changes can be made slowly. Some changes you may want to make sooner.

5 Things You Should Do As Soon as You Find Out Your Pregnant

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Finding out your pregnant can be both an exciting and scary time. How often does peeing on a stick predict what the next 18+ years of your life will look like? Although you’ll be making many changes to your lifestyle and family over the next couple months, most of those changes can be made slowly. Some changes you may want to make sooner.

Finding out your pregnant can be both an exciting and scary time. How often does peeing on a stick predict what the next 18+ years of your life will look like? Although you'll be making many changes to your lifestyle and family over the next couple months, most of those changes can be made slowly. Some changes you may want to make sooner.

Reduce your Use of Plastic

Plastic is bad for many reasons, but one of the biggest is the toxicity to human health. Plastic contains many chemicals that are known to be harmful to human health such as BPA and BPS, pthalates, dioxin and vinyl chloride. BPA, BPS and pthalates are known estrogen disruptors, and may be a contributing cause to early puberty, hormonal issues, and even canceer. Dioxin and vinyl chloride are both possible human carcinogens, causing adverse effects on the body. And although the placenta does a great job of filtering out a lot of infectious agents (such as Rubella and HIV), most pollutants (such as the ones above) are still able to permeate through it. This means your baby could be exposed to all of these nasty chemicals. This is particularly worrying during the first trimester when baby’s growth explodes.

Start by making small changes into your daily routine. Use a metal or glass water bottle instead of plastic. Bring reusable silverware and plates to work if you are using disposable. Replace plastic tupperware and baggies with mason jars. Even small changes can reduce you and your baby’s exposure.

Start to eat more organic foods

Pesticides have also been found in the placenta and umbilical cord of pregnant women and newborns, (source) meaning it crosses the placenta into baby. And many of these pesticides are known human carcinogens. Not something we want to expose our growing babies too, especially in the first trimester.

It’s almost impossible to stop our exposure completely, but every little bit counts. Buy organic whenever possible, or at least the dirty dozen. Shop local farmer’s markets and inquire about pesticide use. Wash all produce before consumption. Cook foods before consumption – pesticide levels typically decrease once food is consumed. Now is also a great time to start your own organic garden.

Start drinking more water

In general, it’s suggested that most people should drink about 8, 8 oz glass of water a day, and that recommendation increases to about 10 glasses for pregnant women. Water is what forms the placenta, of which your baby relies on for it’s nutrition. Plus, proper water consumption can help decrease your chances of infection, constipations and UTIs. Get in the habit now so it’s easier to stay hydrated by the time you hit your third trimester.

Having difficulty keeping anything down due to nausuea? Try experimenting adding other flavors to your water such as lemon or lime, watermelon, cucumber, ginger or peppermint.

Decide if You Want to Document Your Pregnancy

There are a ton of ways to document a growing belly, from pictures, to apps, to books and even belly casting! Decide now if you want to document the changes in your belly and how you would like to do so, that way you can start from the very beginning.

Research and Begin Taking a Prenatal Vitamin

Getting the right combination and dosage of nutrients is vital to your health and your growing baby’s health when you are pregnant. Proper amounts of folate have correlated to a decrease in spinal bifida in infants, and calcium and vitamin D allow strong healthy bones to form. Sometimes we aren’t able to receive all the nutrients that our body needs from our diet allow, and this is when a prenatal vitamin can be used.

Not sure which prenatal vitamin is the best vitamin for you? has a guide to help you choose the best prenatal vitamin for you, including traditional prenatals, prenatals for sensitive stomachs, and even prenatal drinks! You can then order your multivitamin directly from the site or even choose to have it autoshipped to you (which is amazing when you have pregnant brain). Plus orders over $49 ship for free, and their customer service is available 24/7 ensuring you’re always in the right hands.

Baby already here? They also carry thousands of other items for baby and the whole family – even natural and organic brands! I was super excited to realize I could get all my family essentials (including my hard to find toddler formula) from one place (a true blessing when you have a toddler and baby on the way, like me!). Click here to shop

Pregnancy is a huge time of change for many families, especially mothers-to-be. Luckily, small changes can have a lasting impact. What changes are you making during pregnancy?

Finding out your pregnant can be both an exciting and scary time. How often does peeing on a stick predict what the next 18+ years of your life will look like? Although you'll be making many changes to your lifestyle and family over the next couple months, most of those changes can be made slowly. Some changes you may want to make sooner.


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