Home Checks And Fixes For A Greener Spring

Home Checks And Fixes For A Greener Spring

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Home Checks And Fixes For A Greener Spring

With spring just around the corner, now is a good time to carry out some simple home checks, and apply fixes caused during the winter months. Making changes now will help you live a greener life when spring arrives.


Interestingly, upgrades made to your home to keep in heat during the winter months will help keep your home cool during warmer weather. Always start with the roof. This is arguably the most important investment you will make. Problems with your roof could cause expensive damage throughout.

Inclement weather can cause a whole range of roofing issues including:

  • Severe storm damage
  • Missing tiles
  • Water leaks
  • Debris collecting in the gutter
  • Chimney damage
  • General wear and tear

Most of these problems can be detected from the garden or your attic. It shouldn’t be necessary to climb up on the roof. Always leave this to the professionals. A pair of binoculars should be sufficient. As well as obvious damage, things to be aware of are water stains, and vegetation growing out of the chimney, etc. Also, check your home’s walls. If you find water stains, it could indicate that you have a blocked gutter, causing water to run down the walls.

Small holes in your roof can be detected by standing in your attic and turning the lights off. If you can see chinks of light, this could indicate a problem.

If your roof is old and hasn’t been checked for a while, it’s worth calling in experts like Texas Star Roofing. They can provide you with an honest appraisal and can make relevant recommendations. If upgrades need to be made, there are many green solutions that will help keep heat in during the winter and cool your home down during summer. This helps save on energy consumed to heat or cool your home. Materials used to build the roofs are also more eco-friendly.

Windows and doors work in a similar way by conserving heat or keeping your home cool as needed. Check for any signs of damage such as:

  • Noticeable cracks or chips
  • Wear or damage to the sills
  • Damaged sealant
  • Condensation or water between panes


As you work through each room of your home to spring clean, notice the natural light. During winter we work to keep the heat in and hang heavy drapes. But as spring arrives, and the days become longer, we want to maximize the light entering our homes. So remove heavy blinds and drapes and opt for lighter fabrics instead. Though, you may want to keep blackout blinds in the bedroom to optimize your sleep.

Make sure your light bulbs are energy efficient. Typically energy-saving light bulbs last three times longer than their traditional counterparts. They will also use between 25% and 80% less electricity. So it makes good economic sense to swap and is also good for the environment.


If you grow your own fruit and veg, now is a good time to make a start. Prepare the ground and pull out any weeds. Depending on where you live, some seeds can be planted right away. If you haven’t done so already, put together a garden plan for the year.

It’s also a good time to clear any garden clutter and debris from the last few months. Jet wash driveways and clear paths. Mend any wear and tear to the perimeter. If necessary, give woodwork a lick of paint or varnish.

Making a few simple changes now, will set you up for the spring and summer and help you to save money and reduce your carbon footprint.


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