Need an alternative to setting goals or a new years resolution? Learn about the 101 in 1,0011 challenge, what goals I'm setting for myself, and how to create one for yourself.

The 101 Things in 1001 Days Challenge

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With the new year approaching fast, I’ve been thinking a lot about setting some goals for what I would like to accomplish. I’ve never been a fan of new years resolutions however – they always seemed so drastic, and just something about such a short time limit wasn’t appealing. This is even more drastic now that I’m a mother. Sure I still have goals and ideals, but I often don’t have as much time to complete them as I did before.

The 101 in 1001 day challenge is exactly what it sounds like. 101 tasks I want to complete in 1,001 which is roughly 2.75 years. It’s long enough that I have time to complete my goals, but no so long that I lose sight of them. My goals are specific, doable and nothing too drastic. Some of them are even downright boring.

Want to learn more about the 101 day challenge? Check out The Day Zero project‘s website, where it all started. You can even make your own list (absolutely free)!

Need an alternative to setting goals or a new years resolution? Learn about the 101 in 1,0011 challenge, what goals I'm setting for myself, and how to create one for yourself.

Start: January 1, 2017
End: September 29, 2019
Tasks Completed 5/101 (5%)

    Website Related

  1. Start Using Stumble Upon
  2. Complete the Elite Blog Academy
  3. Write an Ebook
  4. Grow my mailing list to 1,000 subscribers
  5. Take an eCourse on SEO
  6. Update all existing posts with optimized images
  7. Hire a VA for social media tasks
  8. Grow Facebook Page to 2,000 Likes
  9. Grow to 3,000 Instagram Followers
  10. Grow to 3,000 Twitter Followers
  11. Grow to 3,000 Pinterest Followers
  12. Submit a blog article to a paid website
  13. Double my monthly pageviews (15,000)
  14. Start charging for reviews
  15. Create a media kitCompleted 1/7/17
  16. Create a newsletter templateCompleted 1/31/17
  17. Preschedule all social media 1 month in advance
  18. Run a self-sponsored giveaway
  19. Run a self-sponsored giveaway allowing other bloggers to join
  20. Add more posts to the blogging website section – Created second website
  21. Create a blogging link up
  22. Create a giveaway link up
  23. Family Related

  24. Go on a Family Camping Trip
  25. Visit the Beach
  26. Hike more often
  27. Dress in themed Halloween costumes as entire family
  28. Visit the Lake
  29. Visit the library once a month
  30. Go to the pumpkin patch
  31. See Christmas Lights
  32. Visit the snow
  33. Create a living willCompleted 9/10/17
  34. Personal Growth

  35. Read a book I own, but have never read
  36. Dye my HairCompleted 6/20/17
  37. Try the Raw ’til 4 diet for a week
  38. Donate or sell 50% of my wardrobe
  39. Leave my day job
  40. Participate in a 5K
  41. Lose 50 pounds (starting at 230)
  42. Start a nightly yoga routine
  43. Create a cohesively decorated bedroom
  44. Find an easy way to manage my wavy haircompleted 7/14/17
  45. Find a tea I like
  46. Take a weekly bath
  47. Get another piercing
  48. Get another Tattoo
  49. Donate Blood
  50. Watch 5 Documentaries
  51. Learn to read tarot cards

  52. Marriage

  53. Have a date night every month for a year
  54. Give a personalized anniversary present
  55. Try 5 new restaurants together
  56. Green Living & Veganism

  57. Start a compost bin
  58. Make homemade vegan cheese
  59. Buy a FreezerCompleted 1/19/17
  60. Eliminate paper towel usage
  61. Create fruit bags out of unsellable/donatable clothing items (stained,ripped,tears,etc)
  62. Reduce food waste by freezing or dehydrating leftover fruits & vegetables
  63. Bring reusable items (cloth napkinds, silverware,bowls, etc) to work to reduce usage of plastics
  64. Continue the search for the perfect vegan mascara
  65. Start a Garden
  66. Invest in glass jars to freezeCompleted 1/27/17
  67. Try family clothCompleted 1/25/17
  68. Put a clothes line up in the backyard
  69. Use less heating/cooling
  70. Get a plastic ribbon maker
  71. Children

  72. Create a calm down corner
  73. Finish unpacking Ethan’s RoomCompleted 8/1/17
  74. Consign unused baby items
  75. Create a stay at home schedule
  76. Practice baby wrapping
  77. Tandem babywear
  78. Tandem nurse
  79. Create an inclusive baby bookshelf
  80. Buy a limited edition cloth diaper<Completed 7/2/17/li>
  81. Create a special kids kitchen cabinet
  82. Invest in things to help kids cook/li>
  83. Make a busy book for outings
  84. Get rid of most of the electronic toys
  85. Donate milk to a baby in need
  86. Create an outdoor playspace for the children
  87. Enroll Ethan into a Montessori Preschool
  88. Finances & Charity

  89. Pay off both cars early – 1 Car Paid off 1/13/17
  90. Don’t buy anything new for a month (besides food or necessities)
  91. Open a college account for baby Audrey
  92. Have a Zumbini Session completely sell out
  93. Donate money to an animal wellness foundation
  94. Pay off credit cards
  95. Buy a present for a child off of an angel tree
  96. Save 3-6 months expenses in an emergency fund
  97. Start a travel savings account
  98. Start saving extra money for retirement
  99. Home

  100. Finish unpacking boxes
  101. Organize holiday decorations in shed
  102. Set up all the cat litter boxes
  103. Get rid of 50% of our books
  104. Get rid of 50% of my shoes
  105. Organize spice cabinet
  106. Sell/Donate 50% of our video games
  107. Organize Pantry
  108. Organize Cleaning & Crafts cabinet

Have you ever started a challenge like this? What kinds of things are on your list?

Make your own list for free at Day Zero Project.

Need an alternative to setting goals or a new years resolution? Learn about the 101 in 1,0011 challenge, what goals I'm setting for myself, and how to create one for yourself.

1 Comment

  1. Super cool way to manage your goals–I definitely like this approach. I’m guilty of both over- and under-planning. It’s hard to find the right balance between staying focused and spending too much time coming up with schedules, which can really just amount to procrastination. Meanwhile, the 1001 day challenge is more high-level and lets you focus on what you really want to achieve. Plus, making it a challenge imparts some accountability to the process, but in a fun way.

    Thanks so much for sharing this! I’ll look forward to seeing some of your goals materialize on this site!

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