Let’s not beat around the bush – moving home when you have young children can be a brutal experience. Packing up your entire possessions and shipping off to somewhere else is hard enough at the best of times. Throw some demanding toddlers into the mix, and it’s nigh-on impossible.
It’s no surprise, then, that so many families forget to do some vital tasks when they move home. And, by the time they realize they have made a goof, it can be too late. Here’s a checklist to ensure you remember some of the vital tasks that many people – particularly tired parents – tend to forget.

Defrost the freezer
I know several families who think they have had everything under control, but when the home mover experts arrive they realize they have forgotten something incredibly important: defrosting the freezer. You will need to do this a few days before moving out if you don’t want to feel the wrath of your moving company. Not only will it be harder and more time-consuming for them to shift into their truck, but it also runs the risk of defrosting all over your valuable possession.
Notify your suppliers
There’s no doubt you will be telling your friends and family about your big move, but don’t forget to tell your bank, energy suppliers, and medical center, too. There are many more services you will need to tell, of course, from TV supplier to smartphone provider. It will take awhile to get through the list, but it’s a vital step towards your relocation, and, potentially, will help you avoid any security details falling into the wrong hands.
Redirect your mail
No matter how long you spend notifying your suppliers, there will still be the odd person who you forget to tell about your move. The only ‘fix-all’ solution is to sign up with a mail forwarding service. Yes, there is a charge, but it’s only a small one – and you can keep getting your mail forwarded on until you start getting mail from all your forgotten services. Then it’s just a case of notifying them as and when they come through the door.

Change your locks
While the people you have bought your new home from might seem like a lovely couple, you just don’t know who had access to their house. It could be a builder or someone who has a grudge against the previous tenants. It might be someone who they owe money to, or someone they knew that owes a lot of money to someone else. The point is, you have no idea of who had access to that home before you bought it. So, do yourself and your family a favor by securing your new place with a rekey service or lock change. It is the safe thing to do.
Don’t forget the kids!
Finally, don’t forget about your children. Make sure that you have child care arrangements made with plenty of time to spare, whether it’s extra time at nursery or a helping hand from the grandparents. Young children especially can be overwhelmed when you are moving, and your focus should be firmly on arranging your new home as fast as possible. It’s better for them to have things in place that are familiar, and you will be finished in half the time.
Good luck with the move – let me know how you get on!
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