We’d all love to have triple figure salaries and a helipad in the garden. Unfortunately for most of that’s still a pipe dream! Saving money from month to month can often be a struggle when outgoing rise, utility bills creep up and we don’t want to sacrifice going out with friends and family either. However as the end of another year draws to a close, why not make a resolution to earn a little extra money in 2017? And I’m not talking about your regular part-time job. Here are some pretty unique ways you can sort out your cash flow in the coming year.

Let the Film Crew In
Do you own a beautiful home or at least one room that is striking and has a stunning interior? It may be a stylish living room, a beautiful exterior or a swanky, contemporary kitchen. If so; it is quite possible that you can rent out your home for photographic shoots and as a filming location. See the glamour of the big screen come right to your front door by renting out your home to a locations agency. Just be prepared that your home will be taken over for a few days at a time If it is a photographic studio. And possibly a month or more if it required for a film shoot. But the pay is really good, so it’s certainly worth it. And how exciting would it be to see your home on television or in print?!

Life Art Model
Are you brave, confident and don’t mind stripping off? If so, you might be interested in making some extra money by becoming a life drawing model. Being a life art model means you will stand in front of a group of budding artists who will then have a good go and drawing your form and shape. It’s best not to get the giggles as these are artists who take their projects very seriously! You can model for many different schools and workshops and earn cash as you go. You’ll have to learn how to stand and sit still for long periods of time and how to maintain certain poses. But there is something rather unique and interesting about becoming a life art model. And who knows, you might fall in love with one of the drawings of yourself that you see!
Become A Tour Guide
Whether you love National Trust properties, spooky ghost tours or know your home city like the back of your hand, there are options out there to become a tour guide. If you love history, royalty and arts and crafts you may want to see what opportunities there are at NT properties. A lot of work there is voluntary, but there are certainly paid positions too. Beware though that you may have to get dressed up as Anne Boleyn or similar form time to time! Lots of big cities offer tours around town for tourists. Buses, walking and coach tours all need vibrant, excited leaders to help boost their sales and give a satisfying experience to their customer’s. And there are also plenty of spooky ghost tours around big cities that need guides to put those scary feelings into action! It’s a pretty cool job to have on the side.
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